Evidenced-Based Health Promotion and Disease Prevention - Area Agencies

The resources below are intended for use by staff members of the South Carolina Department on Aging and Area Agencies on Aging.  If you are a member of the public who is in need of evidenced-based resources and has reached this page in error, please visit our public page at aging.sc.gov.


Congress mandated in 2012 that III-D funding can only be used for programs that have been demonstrated to be evidenced-based.

There are TWO ways in which to determine whether a program is considered to be evidenced-based:

Method #1: The program has been considered to be evidenced-based by any operating division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is shown to be effective for older adults.  EBP database search tools can be used to find pre-approved EBP.

EBP Database Search Tools

National Council on Aging EBP Database

Best Practice Caregiving EBP Database


Method #2: ACL's Evidence-Based 5 Point Criteria:

  • Demonstrated through evaluation to be effective for improving the health and well-being or reducing disease, disability and/or injury among older adults; and

  • Proven effective with older adult population, using Experimental or Quasi-Experimental Design; * and

  • Research results published in a peer-review journal; and

  • Fully translated in one or more community site(s); and

  • Includes developed dissemination products that are available to the public.

* Please contact Rowan Goodrich for final approval


SCDOA Evidenced-Based Program Approval Form (.docx)

Nymbl - State Approved for III-D 9_31_22

Trualta - State Approved for III-D 10_24_22


Consider partnering with an institute of higher learning or another state agency to implement EBP in your region.  Please see below for examples of EBP partners.

Hypertension Management Program - Clemson Cooperative Extension

National Diabetes Prevention Program - Clemson Cooperative Extension

Walk with Ease Program - SCDHEC

  • Bamberg, Calhoun, Chester, Darlington, Dillon, Dorchester, Fairfield, Florence, Hampton, Kershaw, Lancaster, Lee, Lexington, Marion, Marlboro, Newberry, Orangeburg, Richland, Saluda, Sumter, Williamsburg and York counties
  • Contact: Farrah Wigand, (803) 922-6788, wigandfa@dhec.sc.gov

Walk with Ease Program - Clemson Youth Learning Institute

  • Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Barnwell, Cherokee, Clarendon, Edgefield, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, Union
  • Contact: (864) 878-1103, info@clemsonsnaped.com


Process to Become an Evidenced-Based Program

National Council on Aging Center for Healthy Aging

Evidenced-Based Leadership Collaborative


SCDOA - Falls Prevention Awareness Mobility Plan (Trifold)

SCDOA - Falls Prevention Awareness Mobility Plan (Poster)


AAA Monitoring Tool III-D (.doc)

*III-D Evidenced-Based Program Training Request Form (.pdf)

*III-D Evidenced-Based Program Approval Form (.pdf)

*III-D Pre-Approval/Final Approval Form - for materials not included in unit cost calculations (Excel)

Code of Federal Regulations - Subpart E - Cost Principles

*These are sample forms and are not required.  AAAs may use their own forms.


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