SC Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem

Each year in South Carolina, thousands of vulnerable adults experience abuse, neglect, and exploitation. To advocate for the protection of their rights and well-being, the Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem Program of South Carolina (VAGAL SC) provides trained advocates appointed through the South Carolina Family Court system for vulnerable adults placed in protective services custody. The vulnerable adults are at risk of or have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation. These advocates represent the best interests of these adults, ensuring they have access to the resources, care, and protection they deserve.

Since its establishment in 2011, South Carolina’s Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem program has provided volunteer Guardians ad Litem for over 4,300 vulnerable adults. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please submit a volunteer application, and register for training. We are accepting volunteers in all counties except Richland, Lexington, and York counties. If you live in or are interested in one of those counties, please consider a nearby county. 

Contact Lauren Harper at (803) 734-9933 or for more information on volunteering with the program.


VAGAL SC Overview Brochure (.PDF)

Volunteer Guide (.PDF)

Volunteer Page Login (Private, for existing volunteers)

Map of VAGAL SC Regions (.PDF) 

Vulnerable Adult Fund brochure (.PDF)

Volunteer for Justice logo

Concerned About Abuse?

If you suspect abuse or neglect in a long term care facility, please call a Long Term Care Ombudsman at 1-800-868-9095, housed at the South Carolina Department on Aging (SCDOA).

If you suspect your loved one is being abused in his/her home, please contact Adult Protective Services at DSS.