Name | Service Area | Phone (803) |
Agency Director | 734-9900 | |
Anderson, Tori | Dementia Care Specialist | 545-4277 |
Andrews, Jenny | Lifespan Respite and Alzheimer's Grants Program Manager | 734-9867 |
Bailey, Christopher | Systems Administrator | 734-9944 |
Bailey, Jalawnda | Information and Referral/Assistance Specialist - Outreach Coordinator | 734-9874 |
Beard, Rene | Community Support - | 734-9918 |
Brewton, Jennifer | Caregiver and Alzheimer’s Division Manager; Family Caregiver Support Program Manager | 734-9868 |
Buell, Jane | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 545-4231 |
Buskey, Mary | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-9884 |
Caldwell, Sherri | SCSEP Program Manager | 734-9903 |
Carlos, Brianna | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-0533 |
Christopher, Michael | Public Information Director | 734-9872 |
Cogdill, Lily | Program Coordinator - PIP | 734-9875 |
Cole, Nicholas | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant | 800-3105 |
Connor, Theresa | Administrative Coordinator | 734-9983 |
Daniel, Dana | Dementia Coordinator; ARCC | 734-6029 |
Deas, Victoria | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-0561 |
Dickey, Spencer | Resource Coordinator | 545-4305 |
Dunning, Sarah | Program Analyst - Ombudsman Training | 734-9932 |
Dykes, Loretta | Fiscal Analyst | 734-9877 |
Ellison, Ruchelle | Administrative Manager - Payroll, and Benefits | 734-9883 |
Fields, Mary Beth | Program Manager - Title III-B Supportive Services | 734-9892 |
Figueroa, Rose | VAGAL Intern | 734-1710 |
Gallman, Syeeda | Finance Director | 734-9917 |
Goodrich, Rowan | Nutrition Specialist | 734-9985 |
Harper, Lauren | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-9933 |
Harris, Nakeyra | Data Analyst and Wellness Coordinator | 734-9880 |
Harrison, Desmond | Administrative and Database Coordinator | 734-9896 |
Hopkins, Pierce | IT Business Information Systems | 734-9935 |
James, Kristen | Occupational Therapist | 734-9939 |
Karas, Gabriella | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-9981 |
Keller, Tammy | Ombudsman Investigator | 734-9980 |
Kelly, Albertha | SHIP/SMP Coordinator | 734-9901 |
Parker, Debbie | Administrative Coordinator - Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-1959 |
Pondy, Kevin | Information Technology (IT) and Data Division Director | 734-9942 |
Price, Amber | Communications Coordinator | 734-9980 |
Prior, Towanda | Grants Manager | 734-9950 |
Roberts, John | Administrative Coordinator | 734-9940 |
Rushing, Amy | Dementia Care Specialist | 565-2895 |
Simmons, Courtney | PRIME Ombudsman | 734-9937 |
Stalzer, Brenda | Division Director - Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-9895 |
Strong, Crystal | I-CARE - State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) - Senior Medicare Patrol Manager | 734-9889 |
Taylor, Libby | Vulnerable Adult Guardian ad Litem (VAGAL) | 734-9900 |
Walsh, Andrew | Fiscal Monitor | 734-9902 |
Washington, Cheryl | Human Resources Director | 734-5186 |
Watson, Dale | State Long Term Care Ombudsman | 734-9898 |
Williams, Thomas | Community Resources Division Director | 734-9919 |